
Add Cards in your videos.

All you need to know.

You know now that KsAl is a video sharing pltaform lets call it a TubeSite for short. You can upload videos shorts create posts etc.

But the thing is that we thought that it was not complete without cards. What are cards? You have seen in YouTube for example creators use cards to show videos at end like subscribe button new video etc. 

We have gone 1 step further in KsAl you not only can add cards in the end of the video but you can select minutes or seconds in what time you want the card to show to your viewers. For example your video is 5 minutes but you want to show your viewers a card in minute 2 you can go to edit video scroll down and you will se a button ADD CARD, click that and a new editing tab will show upwait for video to load if the video is big. When the video is loaded select the part in video you want to add card and click the card you want. you can chose a web link a video from your channel or a subscribe card when you fill the info simply click add card and done you need to wait for some minutes if video is big it can take little time and after you will see your card in that part of the video. The cool part is that you dont have limit in cards you can add but dont add much becouse it can make your viewers confused. 

Well thats all about cards we cant wait to see you use them.



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