17 Views· 05/03/24· Music
Kia - Jeta Rrezik 2
N'kit far tripi t'dhimshem kthena
N'kit far seni pi lshoj ndjenjat
N'kit muzik kufijt i thejna
Fellon o Fell un me kta djemat
Bojna na rap se tjeter sen skena
Jeta n'rrezik hala qaty na jena
Pe shoh e errt kejt e musht tym skena
Jon tu na prit po aty nuk jena
Larg un jom ik hiq zdu mi pa
Do njerz jon t'lig nuk munen me nga
Koha po ik kerkon zdu me sha
Ksi heri jom vet sikur koken pe laj
Kit andrren e vjeter e kena lon ven
Hatri do njerzve un kthena apet
Kia po rin e kejt koka shym
Se koka e rim per kerkon spi ja nin
Bash hiq nuk po nin ja hiq nuk po don
Repi o terr un ty nuk pot shoh
Zdi qka po thu e zdi qka po don
Nese don rap qe mere e ngom
N'ket akcion jom vet pa kerkon
Monoxid beat veq ky sen let jeton
Albumi po del kto rrima pi librit
N'burg i kom shkru kjo o ni pjes e filmit
Mrena e pash qe shok mo nuk ka
Sen nuk po bojshin per ty more vlla
Gjumi sum merke n'menime ton naten
Ki mos ta nin se dalum e kapum
S'nalem veq qartem tu hec n'at tenalzen
Jom i betum nuk e luti nafaken
Jom tip i ron edhe t'mrolt e kom facen
Nuk jom mangup un jom njeri i matun
Pidh nane s'blena s'shkeli ndo skena
Kthena n'hip hop e di ti qarti ndjenjat
Qaty te dera lekun e ngjehem
Tallin e ndajna e mrapa nuk kthehum
Nuk i ngjo ligjet me rrugen jom shok
Ton naten tu shkru per jeten n'hip hop
Kjo rrug shum e gat n'fund um ka lan vet
E kisha lan tish kon puna per lek
Isha kan dhip t'kisha dasht me mri vet
Gjith jom kan real man sma nin ti qa flet
Se mu nuk um ngje veq rrena po folet
Smuj me ndryshu qashtu e kom vet boten
Kur ma i vendost se sot nuk jom kon
Bonu i fort edhe nese kejt t'lojn
Kur nuk kom prit t'mira pi tjerve
Gjith e kom bo un ni hap para teje
Kur nuk jom tut krahun me shti
Lek per me bo kum than nanen ja qi
Nuk kom menu se jom kon shum i ri
Rrugve ton naten vet della tu kry
Ski qka me bo ki se senet po ndrojn
E vetmja familja se tjert per ty zbojn
E di qe um dojn veq kur kan interes
A une nuk ndroj pidh nane deri t'des
Edhe kur t'rxona per ty kur nuk mes
Sum vyn dora huj per me mri ni sukses
Burgun e maj e njerzi nuk qes
Se burat e fort jon shum t'qet nuk hin n'stres
Kshillat spom vyn se krejt i kom qi
Mir e ki o ardh koha me ndru o G
Jo per mu po per ty se un jom nis e ska mu kthy
Teper fell jom hi jo breh free um ki
Qaty n'rrug me heker kon pe pret be ki
Tash ni qik te vjeter
Doren ja kom lshu asaj kohes vjeter
Si kujtim ka met kia djal i eger
E un po eci vet kerkon nuk pe rrej
Kjo osht jet e shtrejt a un veq pe thej
Une lekt i boj se ton naten s'flej
Planifikoj gjith ni rrug e gjej
Pa fellon ska rap as pa kien fellon
Me qi nanen se lshoj deri t'desem ton
Se apet pe thom kejt n'guxh t'karit ton
Sen e nal as shteti kurr ket sen besom
Jeta o rrezik qata un jom shok
Qata spo kom koh me bo kit hip hop
Se jom full i musht e nuk ka mo stop
Jena art me mask edhe hekrin kollt
Se ti sje rrugat ti veq filma sheh
Une kejt i boj ti mu thjesht sum ngje
Se jom shum i thjesht edhe kejt i ngoj
Ato t'mirat man i mar e i msoj
Pi gjithkujt ka pak jo breh frk spo qoj
Veq ty pot kallxoj qe me shpirt e boj
Hala shum i qet hala jom gjak ftoft
Me ardh puna man ti e din qa boj
Ti e din qe s'ndrroj jon shum t'rall n'kit lloj
Ti qa dush meno veq un pot kallxoj
Se dy her s'jetoj veq qit sen pe lo
Nuk bon gjith me kon ni dit vyn me lon
O ki qka ke than gjith shkoll u kon
Spe thom kto veq un po kto t'rit pe thojn
Edi qe um dojn edhe jan me mu
Jan do shok n'gyrbet jan tu prit me ngu
Qata un pe gjuj veq me ju kallxu
Qe hala jom knej bari tu timu
Where are you, my guts are turning? Where are you drinking? I'm letting go of my feelings. Where are the boundaries? Fell or Fell me with these guys. Boyna, rap, another scene. Life is in danger, here we are. I see the dark. This must be a smoke scene, Jon is waiting for us right there, we are not far away, I'm not gone, I'm gone, I'm gone, my bad people are gone, they're not here anymore. I've left you, Hatri loves people, I'm back, I'm young, I have a head, I'm looking for a new head, I'm looking for you, here's Nin, Bash, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't want Rapi, I can't see you, I can't see you, what are you saying? What do you want? If you want rap, I'm tired. In this action, I'm not alone. I'm not looking for a Monoxid beat, but this one, let it live. The album is coming out. Who is the belt? There's nothing, they're not painting for you, bro, I'm sleeping, I'm in my mind at night, don't let them come out, we'll catch them, I'm not going to stand up, I'm clearly going to remove them, I swear I didn't ask for alimony. I laugh at my face. I'm not a mangup, I'm not a matun man. Pidh nane, I didn't buy, I didn't step on any scene. Back to hip hop, I know how to make my feelings clear. By the way, my friend, tonight I wrote to you about life in hip hop. This road is very close, in the end, I left it alone. What are you talking about? I didn't stay alone, I'm talking. Smuj changed me like this, the world itself. When you decide that I'm not here today, Bonu is strong even if they play you. When I don't expect good things from others, everything. Come on, I'll open my door to you. When I'm not here, I'll put my arm around you. Lek to kiss me. I'm not here. I'm not here. The other family is happy for you. I know that I only love you when they are interested. Am I not shy, fuck me until I die? I'm very strong, I don't get stressed. The advice comes because I'm all right. It's time to leave. G Not for me, but for you, because I'm leaving and I'm not coming back. hi no breh free um ki Caty on the road heker kon pe waiting do ki Now we are looking at the old Doren here I left that old time As a memory there is met kia wild boy And I am walking by myself looking for not lying This is life I lie down, I wake up, I read, I paint, that night, I don't sleep, I plan everything, I find a way, I don't even know how to rap, I don't even know what to say. karit ton What's up, not even the state, what do we believe Life is a danger, I'm not a friend, I'm not a friend, I'm full of cider and there's no stop, I'm art with a mask and the iron, I'm a small street you see films I paint this one you're just like me I'm not too simple and I look like this one too I take the good ones and learn them Everyone has a little bit don't be afraid I don't cry Only you I can count that I paint with my soul Thank you very much don't worry, my blood is cold, work is coming, man, you know what I do, you know that I don't change, it's very rare in this kind of way. Hello everyone, come and visit me. Oh, what did you say to all the school? I say, who is old, who is young, who is young, Edi, they say that they love me, and they are with me. I knelt down with you, I begged you to eat me here, my shepherd