0 Views· 20/01/25· Film & Animation
Honest Trailers | The Best Movies Ever
We're back to work now on a fresh crop of Honest Trailers, but last week we definitely weren't, so to tide you over here's a compilation of the 10 best movies Honest Trailers ever had to write jokes about. Enjoy!
00:14 Shawshank Redemption
04:09 Terminator 2
08:31 Interstellar
12:47 The Matrix
16:30 The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
20:32 The Empire Strikes Back
25:00 Saving Private Ryan
30:58 The Social Network
35:05 Jaws
39:05 Back to The Future
Voice Narration: Jon Bailey aka Epic Voice Guy
Title Design: Robert Holtby
Written by: Spencer Gilbert, Lon Harris
Produced by: Spencer Gilbert
Edited by: Kevin Williamsen
Post-Production Manager: Emin Bassavand
Manager, Content Operations: Tiffany Tse
Post-Production Specialist: Rebecca Castaneda
VP Content: Max Dionne
#honesttrailers #entertainment #parody #movie #entertainment